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JayR and Mica Javier’s Life As A Married Couple and Settling Down in America

Migrating to another country is a difficult thing to do, but with this couple, we learned that it gets easier when you have someone to do it with and support you through all the challenges you would face.

In this #SoTogether Episode, we feature Filipino Prince of R&B Jay R together with his beautiful wife who is also a performer, singer, and actress, @Mica Javier. They share with us the gratitude they feel in opening a new chapter as they settle in America and how it has opened bigger opportunities to build their career.

Aside from that, they discuss about their life as a married couple, how they rely on each other, and some of their lifestyle changes and adjustments upon migrating. Mica also gives a tip to fellow Filipinos who moved abroad to follow their own pace and to find a community they can reach out to and ask for help.

This episode is aired on #SoJannelleTV as seen on the following channels:

  • Sunday, 4:30pm – 5:00pm PT (7:30pm ET) on TFC
  • Monday, 6:00pm PT on KNET Channel 25.1 (Southern CA)
  • Saturday, 7:30pm – 8:00pm PT (10:30pm ET) on ANC

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