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FilAms4Biden & yFilAms4Biden on their journey from campaign period to victory

In this segment of #SoBold, fearless aunt-and-niece Loida Nicolas Lewis and Lora Nicolas Olaes, who started FilAms4Biden and yFilAms4Biden respectively, recount their organization’s journey from campaign period to the victory of US President-elect Joe Biden.

FilAms4Biden and Young FilAms4Biden are both Filipino-American communities who worked together to elect Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Lora Olaes remembers when the results of the US 2020 Elections were announced. She was at her son’s soccer game and then suddenly people around her were cheering, screaming and hugging each other. Some including her were tearing up when the victory of Joe Biden was announced.

“Exuberance, jubilation, joy, shouting, and also a great sense of relief, and tears,” Loida shares what they felt that day.

Growing their communities wasn’t a walk in a park, especially tapping the younger generation of FilAms, encouraging them to vote for Biden for a better future.

Lora also mentions the Georgia Senate runoff elections on January 5th, 2021.

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