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Learn First 5 California’s Dragon-Breathing Technique!

First 5 California was established through a voter approved initiative in 1998 known as the California Children and Families Act. First 5 California’s overarching goal is to improve the lives of young children and their families to ensure California’s children receive the best possible start in life and thrive. Our very own CEO Jannelle has been one of the program’s recipients when she gave birth to her two kids!

In this #SoInformed episode, we sit down with Jackie Thu-Huong Wong, Executive Director of First 5 California, who happens to also achieve a milestone in Asian representation by being the 1st woman of color to be in this position.

Discover ways on how to deal with the emotions of your kids, the importance of a parent’s role in managing their feelings, and the benefits of practicing self-calming techniques.

And make sure to stay until the end of the video to see how Lilly and Leo do the dragon-breathing technique which is a fun way where kids learn how to slow down which can reduce anxiety for both kids and parents.

To learn more, visit: www.first5california.com

This episode is aired on #SoJannelleTV as seen on the following channels: Sunday, 4:30pm – 5:00pm PT (7:30pm ET) on TFC Monday, 6:00pm PT on KNET Channel 25.1 (Southern CA) Saturday, 7:30pm – 8:00pm PT (10:30pm ET) on ANC

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