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Unlocking Resilience: First 5 California’s 4 Essential ‘Be’s’ for Supporting Children

Discover the key strategies from First 5 California’s Stronger Starts campaign!

In this #SoInformed segment, Executive Director Jackie Thu-Huong Wong shares insights into the 4 crucial ‘Be’s’ designed to nurture resilience in children facing adverse experiences.

Learn practical tips on fostering safe environments, building consistency, nurturing connections, and supporting emotional well-being. Join the movement to empower children and communities.

For more resources, visit First5California.com.

Catch the replays at these times:

▶️ TFC: Sundays at 4:30pm PT

▶️ KNET 25.1: Mondays at 6pm PT

▶️ ANC: Saturdays at 7:30pm PT

#SoJannelleTV #SoJTV #First5California #StrongerStarts #StopToxicStress

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