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Revisiting the Impact: United Against Hate Week 2023 at Berkeley, CA

At So Jannelle TV, our mission is to connect you with pivotal events shaping our communities. In our #SoInformed segment, join us as we revisit the Sixth Annual United Against Hate Week, held between November 12 and 18, at Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park in Berkeley, California.

This event unites communities to combat hate and bias, aiming to empower through unity and local action. With 513 reported hate acts across 75% of California counties in six months, the urgency for collective action and awareness is clear.

Featuring prominent speakers like Mayor Jesse Arreguín, Rick Callender of NAACP, Patrice O’Neall of Not In Our Town, California State Representative Phil Ting, Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs Becky Monroe, and Yolie Anguiano from CAvsHate, this event emphasized the continuous need to address hate beyond a designated week.

As Mayor Arreguín highlighted, combating hate requires our year-round attention. Let’s uphold this commitment, fostering a more compassionate and united future together. Join the conversation, stand against hate, and be the change.

Catch the replays at these times:

▶️ TFC: Sundays at 4:30pm PT

▶️ KNET 25.1: Mondays at 6pm PT

▶️ ANC: Saturdays at 7:30pm PT

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