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Learning to speak Filipino

In today’s So Happening segment, we talk about an opportunity for Filipinos and even non-Filipinos to learn so speak the #Filipinolanguage from anywhere in the world. We meet Christine Santos who used to be host Jannelle’s school teacher.

Christine opened her own tutorial centre called YTC (Your Tutorial Centre) in the Philippines which primarily provides after-school support to students of all levels. They also offer university entrance test review services where a student’s chances of getting into their preferred university are increased.

Christine narrates that in 2008, she was asked to fill the need for language teachers in ABP and in particular, Filipino language teachers to help their international staff. Since then, providing Filipino lessons to individuals and businesses have become a huge part of YTC’s services. Their services are now widely available online with the use of meeting applications.

Christine wants to note the distinction between “Filipino” and “Tagalog” as this is noticeably one of the most common mistakes non-Filipinos and Filipinos (alike) perceive. The national language in the Philippines is “Filipino” but the majority of the words were based from “Tagalog”. The Filipino language is a fusion of the many languages from different provinces in the Philippines. In addition, #Filipino is not only the Philippine language but also what the nation’s people are called.

Christine emphasizes that an important way to learn about a country’s culture is by starting with its language. And another way is through food. A perfect example is by finding out the explanation why Filipinos eat differently from westerners i.e. eating rice for breakfast rather than cereal or bread. Food is also a crucial part of the Filipino culture in that they say “Kain tayo” (Let’s eat) rather than “Hello” or “Good Morning.”

She says, if you are able to learn how to communicate effectively with Filipinos, then you will have a better understanding of the culture; essentially the “why” behind the ways.

It is also ingrained in the Filipino culture to be respectful to their elders and you will see this by the way Filipinos relate or communicate to them. Adding a one syllable word “po” at the end of each sentence shows respect in its simplest form.

YTC is offering beginner classes to learn the Filipino language where the lessons are divided into modules. More information will be found on www.yourtutorialcenter.com/speak-filipino.

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