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A Filipina Mom’s LOVE for her Black children

“I can’t breathe,” has been the cry of #blacklivesmatter movement, from George Floyd’s last words. But during the last 8.45 minutes of his life, he also called out for his late Mom. And this has resonated with a lot of Moms all over the world.

While the struggles of motherhood may seem universal, moms of Black children have deeper fears and concerns. Their worries and anxieties are more complex. For instance, as Jennifer Taylor (Filipino Mom to Black children) explains – – – other moms can choose if/when they would talk to their children about race and skin color and biases they may encounter. But for her and other moms raising biracial children, they have to bring up the subject very carefully, beginning at a young age – “because either something was said to them; or something was done to them.”

Jennifer, an esteemed member of the Filipino-American community in Southern CA, recalls the time when she was 24yo and pregnant with her first child, when her Filipino father asked: “Are you prepared to raise Black children here in America?” She says she didn’t know then what it meant; but understood the struggles later on.

She explains she picked up books about raising #biracialchildren – but she didn’t stop there. She endeavored to start a non-profit organization that caters to biracial children – to provide a safe and nurturing space where girls who look like each other could come together and focus on self-advocacy, identity and social consciousness. And that’s how Swirls for Girls was born.

In the interview, Jennifer is joined by her second child and daughter, Jillian who reveals the first time she knew she was different was when she was 5 years old. She said her class was big but she noticed that her skin was darker than most everyone else’s. She says it wasn’t so much of a big deal then, but she knew – her skin color was darker, her hair was different.

Jillian continues that it has been a constant in her life. And even in college in Arizona, there are still instances when she feels different or left out, because of her skin color.

Mom Jennifer, at the end of the interview says to her and to the viewers, “It doesn’t matter what others think of you, what matters is what you think of yourself. Always know that you are loved.”

Jennifer also tells moms: “Be careful how you talk to your children. As they grow up and go through life, the inner voice that they will hear will be the voice of their mother.”

This show also features an interview with Digital Producer and entrepreneur Takaya King, aka The Velvet Steamroller, who shares her thoughts on how media is playing a role in shaping and shifting public opinion based on what they are showing on TV.

She begins by explaining that “racism has existed for a very long time and is STILL experienced on a regular bases my black people. How can black people get ahead when there are systems in place that keep us down by the fear of those who do not what to see us get ahead and continue to step on our necks. What happened to George Floyd happens to each and every one of us in the black community.”

She also clarifies the question about whose fight this is – only the Black community, or is it every one’s fight against social injustice? She says this is everybody’s fight; but the focus should be on the Black people as they have been suffering the most and the longest. She shares what is expected of Asian communities, as they show up to become allies.

“The Asian communities have already been doing just that by opening up conversation with friends, co-workers, and family members. Start by supporting programs that will educate others in your community and support black business as they have supported yours for so long. Be active in your own communities to demand reform of police departments and request that they serve Asian, Black, Whites, & us all as ‘Community Servants’ not by enacting policies that brutalize people and murder them. George Floyd’s neck is a representation of ALL of us. We need change!”

King also clarifies that “Defund the police” does not mean abolish the police system; but rather re-allocate some of the police funding to programs that actually serve the communities, outside of law enforcement.

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