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How/Why underlying factors make Covid19 deadly

Endocrinologist Dr. Gladys Palomeno talks about how #underlyingfactors make Covid19 especially deadly for most people. She begins by enumerating the factors that put people at more risk — obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, cancer, lung disease, elderly and surprisingly, male.

She says that while more studies are still being done about why the coronavirus seems to affect more male, we already know that underlying factors like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and obesity are already deadly illnesses by themselves. And so combined with Covid-19, most people don’t stand a chance.

In this interview, she explains how the virus causes an exaggerated inflammatory response in the body. So when one is already suffering from an underlying factor, the body is unable to handle the increased inflammatory response.

She suggests controlling underlying conditions by three simple things

  1. Eat better — Less carbs, less processed foods; More vegetables, fruits, less proteins, fish; Take note that some “vegetables” are actually high in carbs, like corn, squash and peas
  2. Exercise — It doesn’t have to be an elaborate program; just moving, walking a lot throughout the day
  3. Sleep better — Get your full 7-8 hours sleep/night; Lack of sleep lowers the immune system

Dr. Palomeno adds her theory and many other healthcare professionals and ER doctors’ that the coronavirus may have been around even before it was officially discovered and named. And because of this, some people may already have had it and developed antibodies for it.

She ends by predicting that we may be looking at an open-and-shut system where economies may open up and countries/states may ease restrictions during the Summer; and may shut down in the Fall/Winter.

Dr. Palomeno is also certified in internal medicine and has been in private practice for more than 15 years now.

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