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The Luxury of Well-being

“Wellbeing is true luxury,” says Will Stein, owner and co-founder of the brand Philip Stein known for the Natural Frequency Technology® incorporated in their watches, wellness, sport and sleep bracelets to help you sleep well, reduce stress and enjoy more energy.

Will begins by emphasizing that well-being is the soul and core of their products. He says he created #PhilipStein along with his wife for the sole purpose of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He and his wife started to delve into “Natural Frequency” and created a company that would become the pioneer of wellness accessories. Philip Stein watches were born to show that sophisticated designs can be combined with wellness.

Only Philip Stein owns the natural frequency technology. This technology works by capturing natural frequencies from the earth which is then transferred into a small disc placed inside Philip Stein products (watches and sleep bracelets). The human body sends out frequencies all the time and Will claims that Philip Stein products help harmonize those frequencies. As a result, this causes the human body to feel more at ease and become more capable in coping with stress.

#Oprah even claims that the watches have special powers and also give you more energy.

Will further echoes scientific studies that say there are three pillars that make up the overall healthy person – nutrition, exercise and sleep. According to him, Philip Stein’s Sleep Bracelet helps its users to sleep well, “in a natural way.” The strap of the Sleep Bracelet was designed to be soft and comfortable so that the user can put it on 20 minutes before bedtime. The effects and benefits of this product have been published in an article for the International Sleep Science Journal where 86% of the people who wore it experienced an improved quality of sleep.

Will notes that anyone can sleep for more than 10 to 12 hours and still wake up tired. What sets this product apart is that it improves the quality of sleep and not just its quantity. He asserts that getting good quality sleep can strengthen the immune system which can in turn prevent people from getting sick. Other notable benefits of sleep is it gives you the ability to perform better the next day and also have better skin.

Looking forward, Philip Stein is launching a collection for millennials or for those who want to stay young. The designs are contemporary, technologically superior and environment-friendly. Will notes that the straps of the new watches are going to be made of ocean plastic. This supports the company’s goal to make the world a better place rather than just making profit.

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